Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Motivate My KID....Effectively, Please!

As an educator and a mother, my view of teaching and learning has grown and developed throughout the years.  I continue to learn from other educators on how to engage, educate, and empower students effectively.  And, I have to be very honest in the fact that being a mother has made me see my role as an educator in a deeper way.  As a mother, I want the best for my children and I want them to have a successful life that is fun and filled with happy and healthy moments.  I want my children to believe in their ability to succeed and to make their dreams come true. And, I cannot set high expectations and expect them to just happen because I said so!  We all know saying something doesn't make it happen.  Leading by example definitely does make an impact.

So, here is my wish for all teachers (especially teachers who teach my own children):

Please Motivate My KID Effectively.

  • Don't expect my child to just learn by sitting in a chair all day and listen to a lecture
  • Don't expect my child to understand all the concepts the very first time you teach them
  • Don't expect my child to like you if you don't respect my child and treat him/her with kindness
  • Don't expect my child to learn when you don't give the option to revise work or accommodate for an extra day or two of learning
  • Don't expect my child to listen to you if all you do is admonish the mistakes
  • Don't expect my child to enjoy being in your class if you don't enjoy being in class
I know that teachers work hard and they have a lot of expectations and goals and obligations.  Trust me, I know.  I'm an educator and I know that my day doesn't start at 8 am and stop at 3.  My day begins hours before the school day and ends hours after the school day.  And, I'm usually up planning or grading or emailing after my own children go to bed.  And, yes the weekends are not my two days off....I'm usually doing something school/work related those days.

But, I BEG you to please make all that hard work worthwhile.  Please make all those hours you plan and grade meaningful.  Please know that everything you do in the classroom and for my child MATTERS.  How you grade and how you communicate with my child does make a lasting impression.  

Here is my simple list of 3 requests for my KID as you have him/her in your class all day:

Kindness Matters
Inspire Don't Ignore
Develop Relationships

Please show KINDNESS to my KID.  I know kids can be imperfect and test our patience. Trust me, I know my children and they can do or say things that frustrate me.  Yet, I LOVE my children unconditionally and I want them to always learn to be respectful and kind and courteous even in tough situations.  Please take the time to be KIND to my KID. You are the educator and you are the adult, so please show my KID how successful adults behave.  Be a positive role model and always show kindness.  If my child forgets something, make it a learning moment, which doesn't always have to be a punishable moment.  Forgetting something has a natural consequence and every child needs to learn those consequences.  But, can you make it a teachable moment in a KIND manner?  If you see my KID being sad or lonely or even burst into tears, can you please take the time to figure out what's wrong?  Please don't ignore my child. The behavior might be a way to get your attention.  I'm sorry if it's not always positive, but kids are human and they make mistakes. Can you please take a moment to show you care and figure out what's happening?  Can you please try to make him feel better?  

Please INSPIRE my KID.  I want my children to believe in themselves, to want to accomplish all their dreams, and to reach for the stars.  Please stop saying YOU CAN'T.  Kids are curious and they want to try and explore and experience, so please give my KID some of those opportunities.  Please share inspirational stories or motivational tales with my children.  Please help them see that life is beautiful and filled with amazing possibilities.  I want my children to wake up in the morning and yearn to go to school because they can't wait to learn with their friends and with you.  I want my child to enjoy learning and being in your class.  Please give my KID some inspiration. Please don't Ignore your power.  You have the power to inspire awesome or awful from my kid.  I'm always hoping for awesome; yet, I know what could happen to make the situation awful.  Please prevent that from happening by inspiring my kid to do the right thing and to behave with respect and dignity. Please lead by example.

Please take the time to DEVELOP relationships.  Do you know how my child learns best?  Do you know that he/she might take longer to grasp a concept in one subject but master something else in a different subject?  Do you know that he/she has an allergy or a disability?  Did you ever ask my child about his/her favorite books, sports, colors, movies, songs, etc? Can you please share what you do in the classroom with me? Is it possible to send a weekly email or a monthly newsletter or share a link to your classroom website?  Can you take the time to see my KID for the amazing person he/she is and the potential that is within his/her body?  

I appreciate educators because they spend hours with my children and the goal is that my children come home with more knowledge and experience and skills than they had before they left the house that day. And, I yearn that my children enjoy learning, so please be that educator who is KIND, INSPIRES, and DEVELOPS relationships with my children.  It Matters.  It really does.

I know I'm more aware of how I educate my students and how I treat them because I always try to ask myself:  Would I want my own children to be in my class? I'm not perfect, but I try to be an educator who Motivates her students.  Please try to be that educator. You have a LOT of power in your hands everyday.  YOU have the power to MOTIVATE and INSPIRE my child to love learning or to hate going to school.  Please, I beg you, don't show him how to hate school.  I know you were motivated to be a teacher for a great reason.  And, I know you have it in you to be awesome.  Please be that Awesome everyday.  You deserve to love teaching and all the students deserve a teacher who is inspiring and empowering.  Thank you for all you do. Make every day AWESOME for every KID!

Monday, February 1, 2016

MOTIVATE is my ONE Word for 2016

It's February 1st, which means an entire month of the new year 2016 has come and gone.  Many of us look back to January 1st as we made our New Year Resolutions. Do you recall what you resolved to do in 2016? Did you create a long list of goals you have for the year?

Are you still working hard at achieving your goals and making sure your resolutions are truly going to happen?  Or, are you disappointed that you have already given up or failed at your resolutions?

Well, I hope you are happy and healthy and not holding yourself hostage to a long list of resolutions that you may or may not be able to accomplish.  We all fail at something; and, it's okay.  We learn from our failures to become better.  Don't give up on yourself!

That's what I'm telling myself right now as I type this blog post.  Don't give up.  Just try harder and plan on succeeding.  Yes, I'm telling myself to believe in myself and in my abilities to be successful and to accomplish what I need to accomplish. So, how am I going to do it?

My friend Bethany Hill (@bethhill2829)  reminded me of the great book One Word That Will Change Your Life by the authors Jon Gordon, Dan Britton, and Jimmy Page. 

It really motivated and inspired me to truly think about my goals for 2016. As I looked back at some of the happy times as well as the sad times of the past few years, I know that I am blessed.  I don't try to compare myself to people who have more than me because there will always be people who have more of something, like money or cars or purses or shoes or vacations, etc. I try to count my blessings and to be grateful for what I do have in my life and for who I have in my life.

So, this leads me to my ONE WORD for 2016.........MOTIVATE!

Here is what I hope to accomplish in 2016:

  • I will MOTIVATE myself to always try my best to appreciate what I have.
  • I will MOTIVATE myself to pull myself away from work and spend more time with my children and my husband and my family and my friends.
  • I will MOTIVATE myself to find some time for myself by reading a book I love, for pampering myself to a massage or pedicure or manicure.
  • I will MOTIVATE my children to be more focused, to have more fun learning, to have more fun playing, to be kind to others, to appreciate life, and to always try their best.
  • I will MOTIVATE my husband to take care of himself some more. He always gives so much to us to make sure we have everything we need and want; and I need him to do what makes him happy.
  • I will MOTIVATE my students to never give up, to make good decisions on assignments, to revise their work so they learn from their mistakes, to collaborate with one another, to be kind to one another, to show appreciation to others, to love themselves, to respect society
  • I will MOTIVATE my colleagues to get out of their comfort zone and make a difference, to reach their potential and share their talents with their students and with the world.
  • I will MOTIVATE educators to keep learning and sharing and growing and making a difference because KidsDeserveIt and because our society deserves to be blessed with individuals who truly understand that educated people are empowered people who will improve the world.
  • I will MOTIVATE myself to make every day count and to enjoy life because I know I am making a difference and I know my life is meaningful, just like I know all of you reading this post are special and unique and help bring meaning into the world. 
So, yes, my word is MOTIVATE and I hope that I can make it count in 2016 and beyond!

Thank you Bethany Hill (@bethhill2829) for reminding me of the ONE WORD challenge because I truly believe that "To the world you may be one person, but to that one person, you are the world" (I'm not sure who said that first....but I love the message). Thank you for all you have taught me and continue to teach me.  It's an honor being a part of your PLN.

Thank you Angela Maiers (@angelamaiers) for inspiring me.  Viewing your TEDTalk back in 2013 inspired me to be a better, more effective educator. Your passion for education and for students has instilled a deeper motivation in me to make a difference in the lives of my students and in the lives of other educators.  I want to be that educator that shows her students that learning matters and that learning should be fun and have purpose and it is meaningful.  Thank you for reminding me why I became a teacher and why my profession is so essential; and, it is extremely important that educators truly understand the power we have in spending the day with other people's children.  We make a difference and it is our responsibility to make it a positive difference. It does MATTER!

Thank you Garnet Hilman (@garnet_hillman) for helping me see the major difference between grading and learning.  Grades don't matter, but learning truly matters.  I'm so proud to call you my friend for many reasons, but most of all for your passion to reach as many people as possible on how important it is for education to be about learning.  You motivate me every day because your heart is filled with genius and when you share your passion for making sure that educators truly understand the impact that a grade makes on a student and to encourage teachers to realize for themselves that there is a fine line between harm and hope.  Students don't want to learn from an educator who punishes with grades; students want to learn from an educator who believes in the potential for learning and gives multiple opportunities. We are all different and we need to be taught differently. Every child can learn; and it's up to the teachers to teach effectively.

So, what is your ONE WORD for 2016?  
What do you want to accomplish this year?
How will you make it happen?
I would love for you to share....cause sharing is caring :)

P.S. One of my goals is to MOTIVATE myself to blog more this year.....I might need some outside MOTIVATION....so please help any chance you get ;)

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Just Juggle....and Jive

Do you ever feel as if you need 36 hours in a day to accomplish all you have to do?

Do you feel overwhelmed as if you are just too behind to ever catch up?

When is the last time you had some time for yourself? or time with family and friends?

Well, July 5th came and our annual family and friends Fourth of July party at our house was over! My husband and I were able to relax because our house was clean and the mess from the basement project was no longer taking over the main floor of the house. My husband got a major promotion, which enabled him to work from home.  Awesome, right?  Well, it was an amazing opportunity, yet we knew we had to finally clean up the clutter in the basement (After 2 kids, the pile of crib, baby swing, high chair, stroller, car seats, playpen, baby toys, crawlers, and boxes of clothes organized by size was just getting out of control). 

The weeknights and weekends of the past few months were spent building an office in the basement for my husband, making sure I had a space in the office for a desk for me and for my boxes of books, and organizing the clutter to make it accessible while trashing the stuff we know we don't need anymore. Our deadline was our Fourth of July party and we made it! We are extremely proud of what we accomplished; even though the kids are home for the summer break, they know when daddy is in his basement office they can't bother him.

But, as I was able to relax on July 5th, I began to realize that my first month of summer break was over and I have so many other projects I wanted to accomplish and they haven't even been started. I was starting to panic, especially since I had an all day meeting July 7th where I had to utilize my Blended Learning lessons and create Learning Spaces for the new school year.  I was beginning to think that I wasn't going to be able to accomplish all the projects I planned during the school year; yet, I hate to be defeated.  I wasn't giving up.  That's when I went downstairs to my office space and was able to see all the books that have been put away in boxes. Yes, my precious books were finally showcased on all the beautiful bookcases, which were built by my very handy father.

Guess which one caught my attention?  Juggling Elephants by Jones Loflin. I decided it was time for a refresher and started reading the book.  I was blessed to see Jones present at the ICE conference this past February and I think it was time to finally put all of his ideas into practice.  This was the perfect time because I did feel like I was juggling elephants and it was my summer break. 

I'm sure there are many educators rolling their eyes right now, because I'm sure we have all heard others, especially non-educators ask us:

Are you enjoying your summer?

Don't you like your summers off?

Yet, truly, educators do work during the summer. And, though we might not be teaching daily, many of us are teaching summer school, attending professional development conferences, taking courses, planning for next year, and so much more.  We try to enjoy our summer, yet we are definitely not spending the entire summer break on a beach....though that would be nice!

If you look at the image with the tiny person trying to juggle three enormous elephants AND you feel like you could relate to that person....then you definitely need to read Juggling Elephants by Jones Loflin, or at least visit his Juggling Elephants Website.   It might save you a trip to the hair salon to cover up the gray hair... though many of us probably need that yearly haircut since we are so busy.

image from dreamstime.com

I LOVE the image because it reminds me of the three most important aspects of my life: My family and friends, my professional career, and myself (which usually gets last place).  It also reminds me of my heritage.  In the Polish culture, giving someone an elephant figurine with its tusk raised upwards brings good luck; needless to say, I have a few of them in my Dining Room china cabinet.

Think about it, in the past week, have you spent an equal amount of time and energy on these three parts of your life?  (Jones would call them the three rings of your circus. Yes, I can be honest and admit that life sometimes seems like a circus. I just hope my circus is organized enough to be productive and worthwhile. No one wants to devote precious time to a mismanaged circus....or, we would complain that we want our money back.)

I have learned that I'm the Ringmaster of my circus and I need to lead my life as if I'm leading a circus because "the result of juggling elephants is that no one, including you is thrilled with the performance" (Loflin 25).  That statement really spoke to me. It is definitely true that when you try to get everything done right now, it's not completed in the best way.

Another great piece of advice is that "the ringmaster cannot be in all three rings at once" (Loflin 33). I now realize that I need to give my full attention to what I am doing at the moment and then I can move onto the next act or task when possible.  Do you ever feel like you are trying to quiet down your kids while you are trying to clean the kitchen or engage in an #edchat or organize your emails or fold the laundry or anything else and you can't really focus 100% on any of these tasks, which of course means it takes much longer to get them done?  Then you are aggravated and your mood just plummets to the ground, leaving you totally unmotivated or moody. Well, I have learned to plan out my day better.

I know that while the kids are eating breakfast, I can answer emails and create my daily To Do List.  I usually put a time frame next to each item so that I'm realistic about what I can accomplish in a day.  If I simply listed things to do without thinking about the time it took to complete the tasks, I might get disappointed by the end of the day.

After I drop off my older son at football camp (or soccer camp last week or basketball camp two weeks ago), I can come home and spend some quality time with my youngest son.  He knows that he gets that one on one time with mommy and then he is happier the rest of the day....and he plays better by himself with his toys or outside, which gives me a break to do something on my list for the day.

After I pick up my oldest son from camp, we can either go home and eat lunch OR get some errands done (like grocery shopping) and then eat lunch.  The kids usually need some rest around this time, which means I have some time to get more things on my list done. Or, mommy takes a break as well.

I absolutely love LA Fitness because they have a childcare center in the building.  I can drop off my kids and enjoy an hour or two of workout time.  I rotate between Zumba, Body Works, Yoga, Pilates, and Treadmill classes.  I get to do my exercise for the day and I know my kids are taken care off.  And, guess what?  My kids love going there. How do I know?  Well, it's because I hear "Is it time to go to workout place, mommy?" And, when I say yes, they both jump up and down in joy.  Maybe they won't be so excited once they get out of elementary school, but I have several years before I have to worry about that issue.  Right now they are just 3 and 6, with lots of energy to use in the play area while mommy works out.

Once we get home, it's dinner time, bath time, and bed time.  Reading a book together before bed gives us some more family time.  Praying together gives us some spiritual time to be grateful for our day.  And, then mommy has the rest of the evening to relax or get back to the to do list.  And, if my husband finishes work earlier, we can all spend quality time together.

That reminds me, I finally got a babysitter.  My husband and I realized, we need some date nights.  So, I now have a babysitter that I trust and my kids LOVE so that my husband and I can work on our relationship and get that alone time that couples need as well.

Life has gotten better and I have been more relaxed because I feel like my circus of a life is under control.  I am the Ringmaster and I can control how my day progresses; I no longer feel like chaos is controlling my day.  Another piece of advice from Jones' book is that "every act must serve a purpose" and I have realized that my day needs to be filled with meaningful work.  Yes, I want to have fun with my family and friends.  Yes, I want to prepare for the next school year. And, yes, I need to get the housework done. And, definitely yes, I need to give myself some time to breathe and relax because I deserve to rest so that I can work more effectively and more happily. That is why every item on my To Do List needs to be meaningful and it needs to have a purpose.  If it's not worth it, it shouldn't be on my list.  If it doesn't fit into my Professional, Family, or Self Ring of my circus, then it doesn't belong on my to do list. Plain and Simple.

Another major quote from the book that really spoke to me in an AHA MOMENT kind of way was: "the relationship between the ringmaster and the performers affects the success of the circus" (Loflin 73).  Wow, that is so true!  Think about it, if I'm yelling at my kids cause they won't let me finish my work, then neither of us are accomplishing anything.  But, if I give some time to spend with my kids, then they are happy.  And, they then want to play by themselves, which gives me time to get something accomplished on my list.  If my husband and I don't find any time to spend together, then our relationship will suffer.  We all need to work together to improve and connect our lives more effectively.  And, I believe this truly works for Admin and Educators.  Administrators need to build positive relationships with their staff members so that the school environment is positive and successful.  Teachers need to build their relationships with their students and parents so that the enhanced communication and respect between the group members leads to more success for the students.


Have you been to a circus where the ringmaster is NOT in control?  Was that a fun experience? Well, think about your life or your classroom or your school?  What can you do to work better together? How can you Juggle Elephants more effectively?  We definitely don't want an elephant to fall on us....that would be too painful.

Yes, educators are enjoying a more relaxing summer break, which is important and well-deserved. "Intermission is an essential part of creating a better circus performance" (Loflin 105). We all need a break.  If we work too hard, without a break, then we are miserable and too tired to be productive or effective.  Enjoy your break, like I'm enjoying mine. I love my personal time, my family time, and my professional time.  I now know how to move back and forth from all these essential parts of my life more efficiently.  Lesson Learned!  Now, all I have to do is keep practicing what I have learned.

Is your life a well-organized circus or is the circus you call life taking over your days?

Do you spend too much time in the Self Ring? Relationship Ring? or Professional Ring?

Do you need more balance in your life?  What will you do to be an effective Ringmaster in your circus?  When will you start? How will you start?

Remember, YOU are in charge of your life. I'm glad I finally got that message.  Happiness is definitely contagious....I noticed my husband is now reading my copy of Juggling Elephants.  I wonder what he thinks; it will definitely be a nice conversation to have together.

I know that now that I'm juggling and balancing my life more effectively, the elephants (or tasks) have gotten much smaller and more manageable.  Just Juggle...and your life will Jive together better!

image from southharbor.org 

Friday, December 26, 2014

Reflect on 2014, Realize your successes, Reap all of your Rewards

Did you realize December is almost over?  Before we know it, 2014 will be in the past! How do you feel about 2014? Are you relishing in your amazing accomplishments? Or, are you remembering everything you didn’t finish and regretting all of your mistakes? 

It’s human nature to want to be happy and to want success.  Sadly, it’s also human to make mistakes and to make excuses for our mistakes.  The essential question is: Do we just give up and perpetuate our own negativity OR do we learn from our failures and adjust our lives to improve our quality of life?

I teach high school and I have many students who just want to give up.  If something isn’t easy, if it requires time, effort, and creativity, they just don’t want to put in the work.  They don’t want to struggle and endure that sickening feeling that they failed.  But, I don’t give up on them.  I can’t give up on them.  If I give up on them and allow them to fail, then they continue that downward spiral and learn that it’s easier to not try anything that’s difficult. 

So, I keep telling them that they have a genius within them; they are all different, yet they are all special in their own ways.  I try to accommodate for students and encourage them to the point that they know I won’t take NO for an answer.  I write FAIL on the board on a regular basis.  My students know that it stands for First Attempt in Learning.  I share with them my mistakes and how I learned from my mistakes.  I try to use sports as examples.  “Can you make a 3-pointer in basketball if you have never held a basketball in your hand?” Some students make smart-alecky responses to try to show that they are awesome at sports by saying “I never miss a shot!” or “I make 3-pointers all the time” And, that’s when I remind them that they have to practice to make those shots.  I share other examples, using other sports and other hobbies, like playing instruments or videogames.  I even asked my students to think about how many hours they spend playing games on their cellphones before they master them. Slowly, as I focus on FAIL throughout the first semester, I realize that some students are listening and are learning.  I’m proud of them.  Yet, I know my journey continues because there are so many more students to reach.  I don’t give up. I keep encouraging and motivating.

I made a goal for myself that 100% of my students would pass my class this semester.  I knew it would be difficult because many of my students came in telling me that they hate English and they won’t do homework.  Well, I told them I don’t assign homework.  They cheered.  But, I do expect them to work hard in my class for those 55 minutes that I have them.  To some students, that meant the work would be challenging, while to others it meant that they just had to show up to my class.  My students quickly learned that I demanded participation.  I taught and I wanted them to learn.  I facilitated conversations and I wanted them to share their own viewpoints.  Throughout the semester we tackled big issues and we learned to collaborate together, feeling more and more comfortable in the classroom.  And, when I made mistakes, I showed them how to deal with them effectively and calmly.  

Sometimes students didn’t complete work, so I taught them that not working productively in my classroom, resulted in them taking the work home, or coming in during advisory to finish up the work, or staying after school.  These are natural consequences.  I told them that when I don’t finish my grades or lesson planning, I have to take it home. It takes time away from my family, but I know I have to get it done somehow.  Natural consequences are a part of life.  I don’t give up; and I want them to learn to persevere as well.

Why am I reflecting on this concept of Never Giving Up?  Why do I mention FAIL and how its concept help me motivate and encourage students?  Well, it’s thanks to Maria!  I was at a Christmas Party last night, with some people I knew and many I didn’t know. We were reflecting on our year, since she was one of the few people I did recognize and we did have a few things in common.  We both work full time and have children.  We both have husbands who work full time and are successful in their careers. Our husbands are both into classic cars; so they talk about cars whenever they get together. 

As we continued to reminisce over the events in our lives that occurred in 2014, she asked me why I don’t show pride in my accomplishments.  For a moment I was taken aback by that comment?  I am proud of my accomplishments.  I take pride in everything I do and I work very hard to make sure I’m a great teacher, great mother, great wife, great daughter, etc.  So, I wasn’t sure how to respond so I just stated “I just don’t want people to think I’m bragging.” Boy, did she have a comeback line for that one! “You deserve to celebrate yourself. Life is short. Enjoy it.” As I’m listening to what she is saying, I’m beginning to realize that I do spend most of my time taking care of others and encouraging others.  I motivate my students, my children, my husband, my colleagues, my friends, etc.  I congratulate them on their accomplishments and encourage them to try harder when the results aren’t perfect. 

Well, she didn’t stop there.  And, that is proof that she is a true friend.  An acquaintance would just give wise advice and move on to the next conversation.  There’s nothing wrong in that.  Give great advice to one person, move on to another and continue making a difference.  That is totally awesome and awe-inspiring.  Yet, Maria didn’t stop there.  She pushed and pushed that I need to celebrate.  She suggested having a party or going out to dinner.  She even volunteered to babysit my kids for me.  Wow, she really meant what she was saying.  Yet, our conversation had to stop because one of her kids needed a diaper change and one of mine wanted some juice.  So we parted ways.

But, only for a moment.  Later, as my husband and I were gathering our kids and saying our goodbyes to those we knew at the party, Maria wouldn’t let me go unless I promised that we would get together to figure out how to celebrate my accomplishments.  She even told my husband that we had such an amazing 2014 and we deserve to be celebrated and we should take pride in our accomplishments.  At this point, some people would be annoyed because she was being very insistent.  Yet, I was very proud of her because she wasn’t giving up.  She was determined to make sure I got her message and that I took her advice.  It was a moment that warmed my heart, a moment I won’t forget.  She was right.  I teach that lesson every day to my students.  “Don’t give up.”  “Keep trying.” “Learn from your mistakes.” “Be proud of your good accomplishments.”  “You can do it.” And, it was my turn to be the student.  It’s a lesson I needed to learn.  It’s something I must work on…soon.  Thank you, Maria.  It’s a Christmas present that is priceless and unforgettable.

As I reflect on 2014, I realize that:
  •  I am blessed to have amazing children who are healthy and happy
  •  I am lucky to have a husband who supports and encourages me on a daily basis
  •  I am grateful that my parents are still around, though battling illnesses
  •  I am destined to be an educator who makes a difference
  •  I am proud of my students (despite challenges and revisions) because 100% passed my course
  •  I am encouraged to continue working towards my many goals and dreams, believing they will come true
  •  I am surrounded by amazing educators through my PLN who continue to share their amazing Genius;  I’m better because of them, so please continue posting your amazing successes and advice
  • I am going to remember 2014 for all its amazingness and I will continue to learn from my failed attempts
  • I am motivated to reach more goals after being recognized by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) at the 2014 Those Who Excel Awards Banquet 
  • I will utilize my time better in 2015 because life is precious and our moments are priceless.
  • I AM proud of being a recipient of the 2015 Joliet Area Great Teachers Award
  • I am honored to be nominated for the 2015 ICE Educator of the Year
  • I promise to continue encouraging and motivating my students, children, family, and friends to be their best and to appreciate their successes while learning from their mistakes
  • I promise to take some time to realize my own successes and reap the rewards that I have worked so hard to attain
Yes, 2014 is a year to remember and celebrate.  I will make sure that 2015 is even more memorable and successful.  And, this time around, I will take time to reflect and celebrate.  It’s a promise!


1.     As you reflect over 2014, what have you accomplished? Why was it so rewarding?
2.     As the year 2014 comes to a close, what will you remember?

Remember to Realize your worth. You Matter!

Reap the Rewards you have earned. You deserve to celebrate your success!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Pulling the Weeds, Growing my Garden! (of Life)

I had a major Aha Moment today.  After pulling weeds out of my garden, I came inside to wash my hands.  Though I wear gloves while gardening, I still needed to wash my hands. As the water was running from my faucet, I was looking out my window at my garden…and IT hit me.  I just pulled the weeds out of my garden and I need to pull the weeds out of my life!  Here’s what I mean:

Weeds grow and they steal the water and soil nutrients around the vegetables and fruits and flowers that you actually want to grow.  One or two weeds might not seem like a major problem, but they will manifest into a major problem if you don’t get rid of them.  If you ignore the weeds, more and more will grow; and they will take away the nutrients and water that the fruits, vegetables, and flowers need in order to thrive. 

And, in that moment, in my kitchen while cleaning off my gloves and hands, I realized that I need to get another type of weed out of my life…Negative Thoughts and Negative People!  As much as we all try to live a happy life, we can never be perfect. Bills frustrate us, sick kids worry us, family drama annoy us, etc.  Our life is filled with wonderful moments that we relish and enjoy; yet, there are days where something happens and we are drained.  We could be having a great day, playing with our children, watching a movie with friends, enjoying a dinner date with our spouse, driving from a successful coupon saving grocery shopping spree when out of nowhere, something tries to destroy that amazing moment.  The kids start fighting over a toy, a topic of gossip comes up in conversation that you wish you didn’t hear, or you park your car in the garage only to realize you forgot to buy diapers (and you know you just used your last one before you left the house to go grocery shopping)!  There goes your mood!  Now your day is officially a nightmare!  And anyone in your path is sure to suffer.

But, wait…those are just weeds…ones you need to just cut and throw out.  So, how do I do that?

Suggest a different toy or game or movie for the kids so they aren’t so focused on that one toy. Or, take out a stop watch and teach a lesson in sharing by having the kids only play for a minute each with the toy. Turn the car back on and drive back to the store, or pat yourself on the back for having an extra bag of diapers hidden in the closet, just for these emergencies.  Call your spouse or text a message to please get a box of diapers on the way home from work.  And, that gossip?  Who will benefit from that nonsense?  No one.  Switch the subject, especially to something more interesting or funny.

In other words, Breathe and Refocus yourself to the good parts.  Your life was fine until this bad moment…so take out the darn weed and get rid of it.  Don’t ignore it or walk away from it.  Find a solution RIGHT NOW and don’t let it annoy you a second longer than necessary.  Show yourself and your kids and friends and spouse that you can deal with a little setback effectively with awesome problem solving tricks. 

Don’t just walk past that garden and shake your head at the new weed that just popped up overnight. Pull it out right away!  Get rid of it.  Trust me, if you don’t, the weed’s best friend and the entire clique will join that darn little weed in a day or two.  Then it will really frustrate you!

So, all those people who say something negative or don’t believe in your dreams, goals, aspirations, THEY are the weeds in your garden of life.  Don’t allow someone’s negativity to bring down your positivity.  Prove to yourself that you are a success and your ideas are awesome. If they work, awesome; if they don’t, then you will modify them. You will learn from your mistakes.  But if you allow these weeds to control your life, will you ever learn anything?  Will you ever improve?  Will you ever succeed? 

This afternoon, I’m enjoying a salad with all the ingredients from my own garden: lettuce, cucumbers, green onions, sweet onions, peppers, tomatoes, and strawberries.  (Yes, my hubby found a way to protect the garden so no animal gets to it. And, believe me it was a lot of trial and error.  But we wouldn’t have a garden if he just gave up on it.) If I allowed the naysayers to change my mind about anything, I wouldn’t have half of what I have.  And, guess what.  I felt like a salad today.  I didn’t go to my fridge nor did I have to get the kids buckled into the car and drive to the store and try to figure out the best prices for the healthiest produce.  I stepped outside, picked the vegetables and fruit I wanted in my salad, washed them off in my sink, cut them up, and enjoyed a deliciously healthy salad.  Oh, I saw a few weeds as I was picking through my garden.  Do you know what I did?  I pulled them out and got rid of them. 

Life is too short to worry and be upset.  Do your best and stay positive.  Get rid of the weeds before they take away the great out of you (like water and nutrients).  Enjoy life and smile.  You definitely deserve it!


  1. What is a goal you want to achieve this year? Why is it so important to you?
  2. How will you make sure no one's negativity (even your own, sometimes) will stop you from accomplishing your goal?

Get Rid of the Life-Sucking Weeds and Grow your Genius Goal!  

We can celebrate your success  together...SOON!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Meet Maggie Maslowski


Who Am I?

  • Daughter of Polish parents who gave up everything to leave Communist Poland in the 80's to give their children a better future. Yes, that means I'm bilingual.  Polish is my first language.  English is my second language.  I consider myself Polish-American and proud of it. I get my determination from them. They were determined to improve their lives and I'm determined to make them proud of their decisions.
  • Wife to an amazing man, Michael. He is my best friend and my soul mate.  He knows when to comfort me and when to challenge me. Yes, I married my Prom Date, a bit of information I love sharing with my high school students around Prom time! We love chaperoning Prom because we can re-live our own Prom memories, even if it makes us realize how much older we are getting each year! I feel blessed to have a happy marriage.
  • Mother to two adorable boys.  Patrick and Andrew are total opposites when it comes to personality.  They are extremely perceptive and intelligent, cute and kissable, and the absolute joys of my life.  I find myself taking more pictures and videos than I think I could ever have time to re-watch.  Yet, I feel like I can't even capture all the precious moments in photos.  Children are truly gifts from God and I try to treasure every moment I have with my angels.
  • Educator since 2003, yet I have been in a school environment since the year I was born {which I don't really want to disclose at this moment :)} My mom was a teacher in a very poor community while residing in Poland, so she was allowed to bring me into the classroom.  I used to sit in my playpen while my mom was teaching in her classroom.  I have truly been in education all my life; I was meant to be a teacher!
  • Life-Long Learner who yearns to keep learning.  The more I learn the more I know I need to learn. I absolutely love school.  I love the feel/smell of new books, notebooks, pencils, etc. I like taking notes and I like to be organized. I have a BA in Secondary English Education from North Central College, an MA in Curriculum and Instruction from Concordia University, and an MA in Educational Leadership (Type 75) from Concordia University.  And, I still hope to go back to school for my Doctorate, though my husband jokes he will never call me Doctor Maslowski.  I don't do it for the accolades; I do it for the knowledge.  I truly love learning. It's a passion of mine; one I hope to share with my children and my students. Since I joined Twitter in late July 2013, my world of professional development has skyrocketed.  I continue to learn every time I connect with an amazing educator.  I enjoy the authentic conversations and I seek new edtech and engaging lessons. 
Me (Mommy) with Patrick and Andrew doing some summer reading and relaxing! 

Mike (my handsome hubby) bonding with our boys!


  1. What makes you, YOU?  I'm a daughter, wife, mother, educator, and life-long learner.  What 5 words describe you? 
  2. Why these 5 words? Why / How do the words you chose define you as a person?